You can help by supporting Windsor Festival
The support of our Members is a crucial part of the Festival’s income, ensuring we are able to maintain and secure its future artistic development.
Have you thought about getting more out of your experience? Becoming a Member is one of the best ways to enjoy all that the Festivals have to offer. Be amongst the first to book, and help support the Festival.
Ticket revenue provides less than 20% of our income. We continue to face the challenge of broadening our network of supporters, securing new sponsors and strengthening our existing relationships.
It is acknowledged that in supporting the Festival you are making a voluntary payment and that any benefits obtained are minor and have no intrinsic value.
Membership levels
Minimum donation £45 Single / £75 Joint
One week’s priority booking for all Festival events
Advance copy of the Festival Brochure
Regular e-Newsletters updating on Festival news and developments, including occasional offers
Members' Festival launch event
Members' events during the year
Minimum donation £200 Single / £300 Joint (monthly rate £17 Single /£25 Joint)
Two weeks’ priority booking for all Festival events
Advance copy of the Festival Brochure
Website acknowledgement
Regular e-Newsletters updating on Festival news and developments, including offers exclusive to Benefactors
Priority booking to a Members' Festival launch event
Priority booking to Members' events during the year
Minimum donation £500 Single / £750 Joint (monthly rate £42 Single /£62.50 Joint)
Two weeks’ priority booking for all Festival events
Advance copy of the Festival Brochure
Prominent Website acknowledgement
Regular e-Newsletters updating on Festival news and developments, including offers exclusive to Ambassadors
Priority booking to a Members' Festival launch event
Priority booking to Members' events during the year
Subscriptions and renewals can be paid online, by telephone, by cheque, and by monthly or annual standing order. All of these options can be accessed by clicking on the links above.
For further information and general enquiries please contact Georgina Pitchford, Membership Administrator:
Correspondence address:
Windsor Festival Society Limited
c/o Martin Denny Management Ltd
The Old Court
Telephone: 01753 832896